CREATION OF ANIMATE FROM INANIMATE: - We have touched upon some scientific dry wells and frauds already. The idea of cold fusion and perpetual motion that the Utah researchers may not have achieved was just dealt with: but a recent report showing a Utah student using Farnsworth's old designs is another example that makes me think Cold Fusion is going to be a reality. Chaos is the operating fact of the universe that does actually adapt and create or mutate through qualitative and quantitative leaps according to the Russian (Check out the New Frontier people who have a site on the web.) and mystical scientific paradigm-thinking. Thus many of the normal behavioral observations can only explain part of the day to day 'reality'. A few decades ago science generated proteins from apparent nothingness and declared they had created life from inanimate. This concept and experiment was partially replicable and became touted and taught throughout all schools, but it was less than what it was represented to be in the final analysis. NASA now pronounces there is life everywhere including interstellar vacuums. Microbes are not the only reason for this truth.
Just as there are archetypes in our minds the equivalent templates of knowledge exist in the 'ether' or 'cosmic soup'. Together and inclusive of all knowledge we get the Universal Mind or Harmonic Convergence. These things are shallow images of what really can be done with joined effort of mind and soul through the attunement of adept practitioners and observers of nature. The Jewish 'Golem' is supposedly able to invest the soul of a dead person into the fashioned earth and matter that the Rabbis or other magicians work with. The alchemist's 'homonunclus', and gargoyles being brought to life by Kafka: legends abound in many cultural settings. The possibility of such an act of creation is more mind-blowing to any rational person than even the focusing of dimensional forces. How could one actually tap their genetic knowledge to cause any form of life to exist. Yet it would appear mere science can create some rudimentary building blocks and that energy can be directed through super conscious latticeworks that retain information much as the silicon computer chip or digitized quantum bits of cognized information. The one dimensional harmonic forces of String Theory that combine to form membranes and other 11-dimensional realities are quite reminiscent of the concepts of animating and transmuting the form of matter (which is just lower level or dross energy).
The amount of time that man has been aware and creatively focused on attunement is far longer than the time he has been fixed on power and material greed. It didn't require writing it down. In fact it isn't very easy to explain how chaos or creation works by any scientist who can demonstrate the mathematical formula. Yes, we see there are eloquent images and fancy terminologies. What the formula can do is still largely unproven in terms of what the apparent potential might yield. Man is on the verge of being able to create and have robots to create as self-replicants and restructuring of wood or other energy into food or gold. This is the expected near future outcome with nanotechnology and 'replicators' much like the Star Trek images have brought us for many years.
Bucky Fuller called it creative realization and said that anything we can imagine is achievable through our acceptance and focused intention. He was saying it in dry and often scientific or even incomprehensible language but he is right. So we can say that 'survival of the fittest' is a rude natural fact that 'creation' can alter and surpass. The ancient ideals of Godheads and akashic or other direct cognition are worth exploration because the world of 'seems to be' is really what ever we can create. Hopefully my naïve perception about RIGHT THOUGHT=RIGHT ACTION from the laws of the Magi is an operating principle.
Did Mungo Man's line of humans go wrong? How much of these things did they learn? Did they teach some of our kind to do some of these things? If 'fittest' can be conceived with a God-like PURPOSE and there truly is an effort of all energy to harmonize and find the most creative application (or happiness) then we are in for some fantastic voyages of splendiferous 'reality'! Can these images of heaven on earth really come about? Or will our ethical malaise ensure old line greed overtakes a universe of possibilities. Science already gives a power to do many things which in the hands of certain people generates a great deal of concern. Was it John Donne who said if one man suffers we all are diminished? The natural ways that energy and its consciousness form and weave matter are the subject of observers in science once again. Dr. Don Robbins is a solid state chemist whose work I truly appreciate. In the following excerpts from an article titled 'Nanotubes for Electronics' from Dec. 2000's Scientific American please imagine how these naturally occurring objects occur if there is no consciousness in matter, and remember the ancients did have lenses for telescopes and microscopes.
"Nearly 10 years ago Sumio Iijima, sitting at an electron microscope at the NEC Fundamental Research Laboratory in Tsukaba, Japan, first noticed odd nanoscopic threads lying in a smear of soot. Made of pure carbon, as regular and symmetric as crystals, these exquisitely thin, impressively long macromolecules soon became known as nanotubes {And even if the ancients didn't have adequate microscopes the existence of these fits with the science of lattices and energy we can measure in Stonehenge and the kings chamber of the Great Pyramid. They were able to attune with it.}, and they have been the object of intense scientific study ever since.
Just recently, they have become a subject for engineering as well. Many of the extraordinary properties attributed to nanotubes--among them, superlative resilience, tensile strength and thermal stability--have fed fantastic predictions of microscopic robots, dent-resistant car bodies and earthquake-resistant buildings {The poured in place concrete in Peru with angled rocks that 'fit' like the Great Pyramid?}. The first products to use nanotubes, however, exploit none of these. Instead the earliest applications are electrical. Some General Motors cars already include plastic parts to which nanotubes were added; such plastic can be electrified during painting so that the paint will stick more readily {And be made smooth and even through the use of a laser measuring application.}. And two nanotube-based lighting and display products are well on their way to market.
In the long term, perhaps the most valuable applications will take further advantage of nanotubes' unique electronic properties. Carbon nanotubes can in principle play the same role as silicon does in electronic circuits, but at a molecular scale where silicon and other standard semiconductors cease to work. Although the electronics industry is already pushing the critical dimensions of transistors in commercial chips below 200 nanometers (billionths of a meter)--about 400 atoms wide--engineers face large obstacles in continuing this miniaturization. Within this decade, the materials and processes on which the computer revolution has been built will begin to hit fundamental physical limits. Still, there are huge economic incentives to shrink devices further, because the speed, density and efficiency of microelectronic devices all rise rapidly as the minimum feature size decreases. Experiments over the past several years have given researchers hope {Remember the bio-ram devices coming from Oak Ridges research, will meld wonderfully here.} that wires and functional devices tens of nanometers or smaller in size could be made from nanotubes and incorporated into electronic circuits that work faster and on much less power than those existing today.
The first carbon nanotubes that Iijima observed back in 1991 were so-called multiwalled tubes: each contained a number of hollow cylinders of carbon atoms nested inside one another like Russian dolls. Two years later Iijima and Donald Bethune of IBM independently created single-walled nanotubes that were made of just one layer of carbon atoms. Both kinds of tubes are made in similar ways, and they have many similar properties-- the most obvious being that they are exceedingly narrow and long. The single-walled variety, for example, is about one nanometer in diameter but can run thousands of nanometers in length.
What makes these tubes so stable is the strength with which carbon atoms bond to one another, which is also what makes diamond so hard. In diamond the carbon atoms link into four-sided tetrahedra, {Bucky Fuller's Synergistics gives detailed insight into structures that has led to a new element being named after him, the Fullerene. His icosahedra and the fact of the Pyramid having two perfectly formed tetrahedra in it leads to creation of delta wave forms out of the cosmic energy.} but in nanotubes the atoms arrange themselves in hexagonal rings like chicken wire. One sees the same pattern in graphite, and in fact a nanotube looks like a sheet (or several stacked sheets) of graphite rolled into a seamless cylinder. It is not known for certain how the atoms actually condense into tubes (see "Zap, Bake or Blast," on page 67), but it appears that they may grow by adding atoms to their ends {Remember the effect of palladium type noble metals from the entry on cancer cures. It is also connected to telomeres which cap the DNA strands and are so important to stopping aging.}, much as a knitter adds stitches to a sweater sleeve.
However they form, the composition and geometry of carbon nanotubes engender a unique electronic complexity. That is in part simply the result of size, because quantum physics governs at the nanometer scale {As Above, So Below-is the law of the magi that applies and make sense of chaos when fully appreciated, or as much as anyone can.}. But graphite itself is a very unusual material. Whereas most electrical conductors can be classified as either metals or semiconductors, graphite is one of the rare materials known as a semimetal {Calcium and brushite were used in some circumstances we have mentioned.}, delicately balanced in the transitional zone between the two. By combining graphite's semimetallic properties with the quantum rules of energy levels and electron waves, carbon nanotubes emerge as truly exotic conductors. {We will cover copper more in divining rods and the use of natural conductors, that attenuate with such things as water. Pendulums are part of nature's antennae as well. The article has an illustration or photo of a nanotube channel and a comment that says in part - "Electrically conductive macromolecules of carbon that self-assemble into tubes are being tested as ultrafine wires and as channels in experimental field-effect transistors."}
For example, one rule of the quantum world is that electrons behave like waves as well as particles, and electron waves can reinforce or cancel one another {Thus more perfect crystalline structures created in space vacuum conditions like Skylab, are truly able to function with less chaos.}. As a consequence, an electron spreading around a nanotube's circumference can completely cancel itself out; thus, only electrons with just the right wavelength remain." (8)
What can I say? There is so much to know and it is good to have the quantum world to tell us how little we really know, rather than the incessant certainty of other academic disciplines. Under the 'Zap, Bake or Blast section of this article they say something that should allow the reader to make more sense of the 'heating and cooling' that were noted regarding the alchemists work, as well as the 'buckyballs' or Fullerenes that I mentioned in one of my constant interruptions that seek to integrate the knowledge we are exploring.
"Sumio Iijima may have been the first to see a nanotube, but he was undoubtedly not the first to make one. In fact, Neanderthals may have made minuscule quantities of nanotubes, unwittingly, in the fires that warmed their caves {What about Mungo Man? And Neanderthals worshipped in caves as much as anyone ever lived in them at these times. This is another slight example of our egoistic put down of previous humans. There are people homeless in cities living under bridges who would love the security and comfort of a cenote. In fact, a cenote is a very spiritual place that sometimes has hot springs or cold streams. They are quite wonderful. In Xcaret, Mexico they have recreated a Mayan village outside a system of these cenotes. This same place has porpoises you can ride and tells the story of how they came from the early wolf-like creatures of the land.}. Split by heat, carbon atoms recombine however they can in soot, some in amorphous blobs but others in soccerball-shaped spheres called buckyballs or in long cylindrical capsules called buckytubes or nanotubes." (9)
Bucky couldn't 'truck with' education and though they tried to make it easy for him after he had already proven himself, he dropped out. His work as a teacher at Princeton University brought him in touch with Einstein and the story of how Bucky's first book was published is a classic in publishing 'expert' myopia. The editor said he had shown his work to those who knew Einstein's theory and they agreed Bucky didn't know what he was talking about. Einstein intervened to point out to the publisher that Bucky was one of a handful who knew his work and that his insight was correct. His attunements and meditations created numerous very important things and we all could be a lot more like him. I love Bucky! But, I really can't quote him very much because his 'teleologic' presentation and word usage is beyond most people, SO I'm not surprised the editor and his 'experts' were SO befuddled.
"In 1814, with Michael Faraday {truly a great metaphysician and attuned researcher who sensed the field of 'cosmic soup'.}, he analyzed diamond by combustion and concluded that it was pure carbon. Because graphite was also known to be pure carbon, this meant there were two types of carbon, each with different physical properties. Davy's discovery of the allotropy of carbon meant that graphite and diamond existed in two different crystal forms, even though this could not possibly be explained on the basis of Dalton's spherical atoms. By now, Davy was convinced that there were indeed many different kinds of atoms, other than Dalton's {An alchemist who had to fight against so-called hermeneuts while alive, in order to hide his own alchemical nature.}? Faraday was a poor boy who worked as a bookbinder's apprentice... Eventually Faraday far outshone Davy, which Davy on occasion resented." (10)
The history writers who Hellenized all knowledge and are presented as if they discovered it all, like Thales (born to a Phoenician parent like Pythagoras); were able to make many later academics believe that only what survived in writing was known. It is becoming evident to many scholars that the knowledge curve that makes for such sudden growth in ideas is ridiculous; but nevertheless it is rare to pick up a book or article where you don't see the author indicating knowledge didn't exist until far later than common sense and reason dictates. It will be harder to maintain this lunacy now that we know how much more ancient humans really are. So we must understand this when we see Mr. Salzberg writing as a chemist or for the Chemical Association that they are subject to the same history. It is good for people to see the Greeks understood chaos and atomics to a certain extent, nonetheless. It is also important to remember that secrets (including smelting and earlier weapons-making through meteorite hammering) were almost never described except between trusted allies or family members.
"There were, of course, other theories, most notably the atomic theory of Leucippos (c. 440B.C.) and Democritos (460-c.370B.C.), later modified by Epicouros (341-270B.C.) and Lucretius (c.95-55B.C.). According to their atomic theory, there was only one substance {Such as the one-dimensional harmonic force of String Theory.}, the prime matter, which existed in the form of changeless, indestructible, indivisible atoms of different sizes and shapes, moving back and forth randomly with nothing between them, in effect moving in a vacuum." (11)
Senin, 16 Juni 2008
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